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We develop BIG brands for SMALL businesses?

hen asked, “What do we do?, the answer is simple: we’re committed to helping small businesses grow and succeed! We have no “one-size-fits-all” answers to common business problems.


Nothing feels better than taking your business exactly where you want it to go and seeing the transformation in the process. We’ll help you unlock the true potential of your business.


Whether starting a new business or rebranding your existing business, we've developed well-thought-out services and designs to ensure a greater impact and achieve superior results. We have the tools to grow your business.


We all know great logos, but we don’t all know that great logos aren’t easy to create. From concept to color to rollout, there’s much to consider when choosing the right logo.


A lettermark is a typography-based logo that’s comprised of a few letters, usually a company’s initials.


Similar to a lettermark, a wordmark logo is a font-based logo that focuses on a business’ name alone.

Pictorial mark

A pictorial mark (sometimes called a brand marks or logo symbol) is an icon—or graphic-based design.


An abstract mark is a specific type of pictorial logo. Instead of being a recognizable image; it’s an abstract geometric form that represents your business.


A mascot is simply an illustrated character that represents your company.


Helvetica Light is an easy to read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.


A combination mark is a logo combo of wordmark or lettermark and a pictorial mark, abstract mark, or mascot.

What's RIGHT for YOU?

Each type of logo gives your brand a different feel. And since your logo is the first thing new customers will see, you want to make sure you get it right. Wanna know how to choose the best logo type for your business? Learn More


Brown Start Group will partner with your business to provide customized services to assist you in meeting your business objectives. Our approach to serving small businesses gives you close, personal attention and specialized resources to help save you time, money, and frustration with some of your more critical business decisions. We're dedicated to your success every step of the way and always work with your best interests in mind.

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First things, first. Determine what type of consulting services are needed or your business.

Are you a Entrepreneur or Start-up company, ready to make an impact in your industry? or Are you an existing business that needs help growing your business? 

We offer assistance with budgeting, forecasting, pricing, market and/or competitor analysis, and SO MUCH MORE!


Brown Start Group will partner with your business to provide customized services to assist you in meeting your business objectives. Our approach to serving small businesses gives you close, personal attention and specialized resources to help save you time, money, and frustration with some of your more critical business decisions. We're dedicated to your success every step of the way and always work with your best interests in mind.

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A brand is the sum of the experiences your customers and potential customers have with your company. A strong brand communicates what your company does and how it does it and, at the same time, establishes trust and credibility. Your brand lives in your everyday interactions with your customers, the images you share, the messages you post on your website, the content of your marketing materials, and your posts on social networks.

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The POWER Branding has on your business is interminable. The POWER of a great brand can make make your business the success you envisioned when starting your business or the results can be diametrically different.

Understanding your audience is just as important to your business as your actual product, service or skills. 



A brand is the sum of the experiences your customers and potential customers have with your company. A strong brand communicates what your company does and how it does it and, at the same time, establishes trust and credibility. Your brand lives in your everyday interactions with your customers, the images you share, the messages you post on your website, the content of your marketing materials, and your posts on social networks.

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You can see, touch, hold, hear, and watch it move. Design fuels market recognition, differentiation, and makes brand ideas accessible. Design identity takes separate elements and unifies them into a system. Our focus is on creating and executing lasting design strategies for our clients that build strong and memorable brands. We aim to provide excellent and affordable graphic and web design services to individuals, small businesses, and non-profits. 

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Seems like everyday, there is a new technology, trend or social site that becomes the new way to find potential customers. Meeting your customers where they are is essential to your success. We deliver top-notch, custom-designed, affordable websites, graphic design, brand identity collateral.


We also offer printing , website maintenance, and copywriting services/


You can see, touch, hold, hear, and watch it move. Design fuels market recognition, differentiation, and makes brand ideas accessible. Design identity takes separate elements and unifies them into a system. Our focus is on creating and executing lasting design strategies for our clients that build strong and memorable brands. We aim to provide excellent and affordable graphic and web design services to individuals, small businesses, and non-profits. 

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