Professional design work is notoriously undervalued in small businesses. While each wants a beautiful website, a clever logo, and compelling marketing collateral, some are only sometimes willing to pay or cannot afford professional rates to get them. Instead, many end up trying their hand at DIY designing. Or start searching the web for “cheaper” options. Either way, the business owner will probably not be happy with the results of either.
You know what they say: you only have one chance to make a first impression.
Whether it’s a website the logo, or a sleek design for an email campaign, potential
Customers will judge a business in just a few seconds based on visual appeal alone. High-quality graphic design gives businesses credibility—and that’s priceless. No matter how great a product or service, with poor design, anyone will unlikely stick around the company’s website or keep its email long enough to find out.
When businesses don’t take graphic design seriously in the beginning, they will likely go through a design overhaul eventually—in some cases, more than once. However, quality design has longevity. Paying for great graphic design one time is no more expensive than paying for subpar design multiple times. Not to mention redesigning a business’ image over and over wastes time and can harm its brand.
We create high-quality, professional graphic designs for our clients. While we tout ourselves for offering affordable services, we never infringe on our work quality.